
Child Learning Center


365bet 小大官儿童学习中心,我们相信孩子的工作就是玩耍! 孩子们接触到各种有意义的日常学习经验 孩子们’s intellectual, creative, physical, emotional and social capabilities. 活动 年龄和发展是否合适,促进动手和培养对学习的热爱.

365bet 小大官儿童学习中心,我们相信孩子的工作就是玩耍! 孩子们接触到各种有意义的日常学习经验 孩子们’s intellectual, creative, physical, emotional and social capabilities. 活动 年龄和发展是否合适,促进动手和培养对学习的热爱.

365bet 小大官儿童学习中心,我们相信孩子的工作就是玩耍! 孩子们接触到各种有意义的日常学习经验 孩子们’s intellectual, creative, physical, emotional and social capabilities. 活动 年龄和发展是否合适,促进动手和培养对学习的热爱.

Play is Paramount at the Austin Peay 小大官 Child Learning Center.

We believe 孩子们 learn best through play. Play is the avenue through which 孩子们 学会推理,发展语言,获得社交技巧,自然学会处理问题 with the world around 他们. We feel our role is to provide 孩子们 with the opportunity to play and grow as individuals. 有了我们优秀的师生比例,家长可以相信他们的孩子 在这个发展阶段,他们会得到个性化的关注吗 在生活中.

Two-year olds teacher to child ratio
Three-year olds teacher to child ratio
Four and five-year olds teacher to child ratio

Santa Visits the 小大官 2023

Thank you for your support!

小大官 Playground


我们提供一个全面的,自然的课程围绕着一个孩子的想法 工作就是娱乐. Our staff are fully-trained, with multiple degrees, certifications, and recognitions required for employment. Our mission is to ensure your child has 一个安全的地方去了解他们周围的世界,以及我们每天所期待的 making that a reality.

工作人员 and kids playing outside


奥斯汀皮伊州立大学小政府儿童学习中心为儿童提供服务 365bet的学生、校友、教职员工以及社区儿童. 我们的目标是在一个充满爱的环境中保持最高水平的儿童保育 our 孩子们 and families.

小大官儿童学习中心促进儿童的成长、发展和表现 通过维护一个校园儿童中心来帮助365bet学生和其他家长 主要目标是促进儿童和成人的持续福祉 它通过满足他们的社会、情感和认知的项目和服务来服务 需要.

365bet 小大官儿童学习中心是由人事处授权成立的 Services (DHS) and has earned the highest rating with 三颗星. 最高的收视率 已在以下领域获得:董事资格,专业发展 学习,家长/家庭参与,比例和小组规模,员工薪酬,计划 Assessment and Child 健康幸福.

Director posing for picture with staff


365bet 小大官的教学人员对幼儿充满了热情 专业,以知识,经验,热情,价值观和远见为主导. 我们通过重视每位教师的优势和贡献来建立有凝聚力的团队 这个项目. Our teachers are excellent educators, that are highly trained to create 一个高质量的项目,为年轻人提供一个安全和健康的学习环境 孩子们.

365bet 小大官的师资队伍获得了理事会的全国认可 专业认可,持有儿童发展助理证书(CDA); 幼儿教育技术证书和/或幼儿教育学位 (ec).

此外,所有员工都持有不良童年经历(ACES)证书, 田纳西州早期儿童培训联盟(TECTA),田纳西州早期学习发展 标准(TNELDS),摇晃婴儿综合症,金色运动鞋,社会和情感发展, 融入残疾儿童,语言和读写能力发展和心肺复苏 及急救.

Read more about our wonderful staff

365bet 小大官儿童学习中心是由人事处授权成立的 Services (DHS) and has earned the highest rating with 三颗星. 最高的收视率 have been earned in each of the the following 区域:

董事资格,专业发展,发展性学习,家长/家庭 参与,比例和小组规模,员工薪酬,项目评估和儿童 健康幸福.

The 小大官 Child Learning Center has also earned the 运动鞋金奖, a recognition to promote health and wellness for young 孩子们. 金色运动鞋 该倡议加强了中心有关体育活动、健康饮食、 and tobacco- free environment.

Children play in the outdoor area

小大官儿童学习中心有一个非常独特的户外游戏空间 nature back into the play yard. Our space is filled with natural materials, art, hills, 小路、树木、草药、空地、沙滩、水、音乐、秋千、吊床和花园 区域. This is a place that 孩子们 can create childhood memories and find places to run, climb, dig, pretend, and hide. The natural playscape 区域 encourage active play as well as silent play. Children are encouraged to jump in puddles and play in 在泥泞中,他们可以探索、发现和了解户外和周围的世界 他们. 自然的游戏环境在促进孩子的想象力和创造力的同时,也激发了孩子的想象力和创造力 physical, intellectual, social, and emotional development.

Little Gov child poses for photo


我们全年举办多个活动,帮助我们完成我们的使命 Learning through Play. From our Fall Pumpkin Patch and 街头霸王 to Scholastic Bookfairs 和圣. 裘德Trikathon, there's always an event for your family to participate in, at the 小大官 CLC. 


  • 南瓜补丁
  • 街头霸王
  • 秋天的节日
  • St. 裘德Trikathon
  • Scholastic Bookfairs
  • Spring Fun with Easter Egg Hunt
  • 瑜伽的乐趣

Child running around in rubber boots


邀请、鼓励和赞赏家庭参与和交流! It is vital to our success in helping 孩子们 grow, develop and learn. 我们努力 在照顾和教育子女方面与家庭建立紧密的伙伴关系.

Read more about being involved with your child's learning

Little Gov child poses for photo


我们为2到4岁的孩子提供有竞争力的学费, with discounts given for siblings. We offer childcare for your schedule, with multiple 不同的日常托儿计划,周一/周三/周五,周二/周四,以及 Monday through Friday as well. We also host fall and spring registrations.

Read more about our rates


Kaytah Mejiah

因为我们的一个孩子下学期就要退出小政府了,我们会 our youngest child starting here. To say that 365bet 小大官 Child Learning Center is a part of our family is quite an understatement. As a military and veteran family, we are thankful to have included 小大官 into our village. 我们的儿子绝对是 喜欢参加,并在他们以孩子为主导,以游戏为中心的方法下蓬勃发展. 他们让他的好奇心增长,同时在学术上学习 time. The facility is always well-kept and faculty are interactive. 导演, 教育工作者和提供者一直强调多样性、包容性和可及性 for the 孩子们 and families. Lastly, we enjoy the many family-related events and activities they plan each and every month. The opportunities for 孩子们's growth are endless at the 365bet 小大官 CLC!

Dr. Ibukan Amusan

第一天我们来询问小戈夫儿童学习中心的情况,然后 参观了这里,我们爱上了这个地方,知道这是一个地方 where our son would love and thrive. 我们是对的. He absolutely loves it! 他喜欢 to play outside and looks forward every day to going to school. The staff are amazing. They love the kids and take good care of 他们. We highly recommend this place to parents looking for a preschool for their kids.


365bet的小大官儿童学习中心是一个丰富和里程碑 reaching experience for our 孩子们 and our family. We have three boys who attended once they turned two. Our oldest is now 9 years old, our middle is 6 years old, and our youngest is 3 years old. The spectrum of skills learned by attending 365bet Little 这些标准包括社交情感技能、个人责任、自信、创造力、 resilience, and healthy emotional regulation. These skills tie into their academic learning in their final year at the center before heading off to kindergarten. 在 我们的孩子在小政府的每一年,他们都达到并超越了他们的里程碑 在教职员工的帮助下,他们拥有丰富的知识并带来了许多选择 to aid parenting and family life.