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University Library Advisory Committee

Membership: 7 Faculty (one from each academic college, Library, and graduate studies), 2 Staff (1 of whom is non-library) 2 Students, 1 ex officio (director of the library services).

Terms of Service: Members will serve a three-year term and can serve two consecutive terms.   When consecutive terms have been served, a three-year break must occur before serving again.

Description: The committee serves as a faculty, student, and staff advisory body to the Director of Library Services. The committee’s primary role in representing campus faculty, students and staff include:

  1. Advising on general policies regarding collections, services, instructional programs and infrastructure, as well as on major new initiatives and assessment processes.
  2. Advising on budget allocations necessary to provide the type and quality of library resources and services needed by the university community.
  3. Advocating on behalf of the library regarding funding needs relevant to the library’s services, resources, and infrastructure.
  4. Participating in strategic visioning and goal setting.
  5. Considering broad national issues pertinent to scholarly communication, open access, and the role of the university library in teaching and research, and communicating its perspectives, as appropriate, within the committee and externally to the university community.
  6. Facilitating communication with and obtaining feedback from the university community with regard to library collections, programs, services, infrastructure, and communication mechanisms. The chair of the University Library Advisory Committee also serves as an ex officio member of the Woodward Library Society (friends of the library) Board of Directors.

(Approver: Provost/SVPAA)

2023-2024 Membership:

Name Area Department Service Term
Meghan Berindean Faculty, CoAL Music 2021-2024
John R. McConnell, III Faculty, CoE Education Specialties 2022-2025
Anna N. Gregg, Chair Faculty, CoBHS Political Science and Public Management 2021-2024
Leslie Hiatt Faculty, CoSTEM Chemistry 2022-2025
Scott Shumate Faculty, Library Research and Instruction 2023-2026
Gloria Miller Faculty, CoB Management & Marketing 2021-2024
Rebecca Johansen Faculty, Graduate Studies CoSTEM, Biology 2023-2026
Megan Simpson Staff, Academic Affairs College of Education 2023-2026
Kyle Christmas Staff, Academic Affairs Director of Special Projects 2023-2026
Blake Parker Student Affairs Student Representative 2023-2024
Karan Godwin Student Affairs Student Representative 2023-2024
Martina Malvasi Academic Affairs Library Director Permanent
ex officio

If you have questions, concerns, or would like more information about the University Library Advisory Committee, please contact:

Anna Gregg, Chair